The higher education in the netherlands is divided into research universities , university of professional education , and international education institutes 荷兰的高等教育机构包括研究型大学、高等专业教育学院、国际教育机构。
Last year , ift and the university of professional education in the netherlands ( nhtv ) came into agreement and established a dual recognition degree programme , enabling our first group of six students to travel to the netherlands and spend their final year of study at nhtv under this programme , for which they were awarded delta scholarships by our partner university 去年,学院与荷兰布列达专业教育大学共同设立了双确认学士学位课程,本学院六位学生获派送当地修读第四年课程,并获该校颁发奖学金。另外,学院与美国普渡大学开始了的实际合作关系,除派送学生赴美进行交换生计划外,更邀得普渡大学的教授到本学院与教职员进行学术研究及授课。